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fairy is a favorite of many window cleaners, we keep this product undiluted with in the vehicle or cart, and diluted with in our tool bucket


simple green glass cleaner is the other product in the blue spray bottle. Used only to enhance cleaning. We only use product diluted on site.


oil flo 141 is favorite of ours to remove stickers off a window.

used always in a marked spray bottle with a black trigger.


Water softening resin is contained wholly within our filtration unit and is almost never seen by the customer. It enables us to use or wash and rinse system 


we may use morning fresh as an alternative to fairy, as it is another staple to professional window cleaning. also carried in vehicle or cart diluted and undiluted in our bucket


ecoaid all purpose cleaner is used for other cleaning services including floor mopping.

Product is kept in a marked dispenser  bottle with in our vehicle and used diluted with in our bucket


brought on to site only by request, chlorine is used to effectively remove mould


Morning fresh


aquagrease is used to sften kitchen grease on windows. it is used diluted on site in a yellow spay bottle


powerforce disinfectant is used at hospital grade dilution,for commercial cleaning and is used in a green spray bottle


brought on to site only by request. cement off is used to remove cement off windows


Morning fresh


peerless jal window wash is one of 2 similar that we use in the blue spay bottle ,used diluted in the spray bottle it has a clear appearence . only used to enhance cleaning


methylated spirits may be used to help us with stubborn stains on glass .  we carry metho in a white spay bottle


hard water stain remover used to remove our toowoomba calcium stains


Morning fresh

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